This website of The Property Room Proprietary Limited 2016/242486/07 (the “Property Room”) propertyroom.co.za (the “website”) and all of the electronic data and electronic media contained herein or linked to the website directly or indirectly including but not limited to information, online courses, platforms, recordings, video recordings, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, ancillary resources and other services which may be offered or made available from time to time by the Property Room (collectively the “Services”) are provided for educational guidance and informational purposes only to any and all users, visitors, and any other third parties (juristic and natural persons) which may access, view, or use the website or the Services (“user”).
By using this website, including applications, platforms, and any applets and content contained therein, the user agrees that the use of this website and its information and Services is entirely at his/her/its own risk.
Whilst the Services herein have been compiled from sources which are believed to be reliable, the Property Room, its directors, shareholders, employees, contributors, Power Partners, contractors and any other person (natural or juristic) connected with the Services (collectively the “Service Providers”), in no way guarantee the accuracy, legality, use, completeness and validity of the Services and shall not be liable for any acts, errors or omissions relating to such Services or any use of or reliance thereon. Improvements, replacements and changes are periodically made to the website and the Services from time to time.
The Services are based on South African law and as such are limited to the jurisdiction of South Africa. Furthermore, the user by use of the website accepts that the Services are limited in scope, are not exhaustive on any subject matter, do not cater for all legal exceptions and eventualities which may apply, depend on the facts in each case, do not constitute legal opinions and do not in any way represent the views of the Service Providers.
The Services may not be disseminated, broadcast or published by any user of the website to any third party without the prior written consent of the Property Room.
All information contained herein should be independently verified by users and confirmed before relying on the same in any manner whatsoever.
The Property Room does not accept any liability for any loss, expenses, costs or damages howsoever arising which may be incurred by any user which arises directly or indirectly as a result of any act or omission of the Property Room, the Service Providers, or in respect the use of the website and/or the Services and/or the information contained in the website, including but not limited to any reliance placed upon such Services and the user hereby waives any claims which may arise in respect of the same.
The user hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the Property Room and the Service Providers from and against any damages, costs and expenses, including any legal fees on an attorney and own client scale which by incurred by the Property Room and/or the Service Providers as a result of any act or omission of the user.
This disclaimer applies to any damages, injury, death or loss caused by the use and application, whether directly or indirectly, howsoever arising including but not limited to breach of contract, delict, tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent or under any other cause of action.
Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing the user accepts and assumes all risk resulting from the use and application of any of the information, products or Services provided by the Property Room and its Service Providers at the website and otherwise.