Pam Snyman (MPhil Higher Education, CPRE, Dip Advanced Property Practice, Dip in Property Investment and Valuation)
Pam has been actively involved in South African real estate for 30 years (residential, commercial and industrial, property management, letting etc). She owns her own innovative real estate company, REDZetc and has been involved in training and education in the property sector for many years.
Pam has a Masters Degree in Higher Education, Diploma in Advanced Property Practice, Diploma in Property Investment and Valuation and is a qualified workplace assessor and moderator. She has also achieved the highest possible status in real estate, that of Chartered Practitioner in Real Estate (CPRE) – a professional real estate designation on NQF Level 7 that has been awarded to only eleven doyennes of Real Estate in South Africa jointly by the Estate Agancy Affairs Board (EAAB) and the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SSETA). Pam currenlty runs workshops in preparation of the Professional Designation Examination for both real estate principals (NQF Level 5) and non-principals (NQF Level 4) on a national basis.
She serves on a number of boards and was a member of the ministerial task-team to re-capacitate the Services Seta. She currently serves on the board of the SSETA as well as on their Remco, Governance Risk & Strategy Committee, Transformation Committee and Audit Committee and chairs the Real Estate and Related Services Chamber that represents all the real estate organisations in the country including inter alia SAPOA, REBOSA, IEASA, SAIBPP, NPF, NAMA and the EAAB. She is also a member of the Property Charter Council, the Property Charter Board and its Exco and also serves on the Board of the Institute of Estate Agents of SA (IEASA) in the Western Cape.